Facebook Avatar was recently made and available in US, New Zealand, Canada, Europe and Australia. Now, the company has broadcast this latest update for his biggest market of users account, India. With the help of this feature, now indian facebook users can create animated/unrealistic characters of their choice, similar to Snapchat's bitmoji.
With this, facebook users can share their Avatar with others and represent it in the chat box, and also in the comment section.
Apart from that, users can also share their Avatar to the third-party apps like Instagram, snapchat, twitter.
Learn how you can create your own Avatar and start sharing it with your friends:-
I) Update Facebook and get the latest version of it from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
II) Open the app and tap in the menu button on the top right corner. For IOS users the menu button will be located on the bottom right corner. Scroll down and tap on the "see more" option.
III) Tap on the Avatar option, Now you can create your own Avatar by selecting the features of your choice, also the app has so many customisation.
IV) You can also select the body shape for your Avatar.
V) Tap on the done icon and your Avatar
Is ready for sharing, for exporting and much more.