The Best Top 3 Texting Games For Couples !

Couples these days try best to spend a quality amount of time and give their best shot to attain the stable and healthy relationship.
Variations of events are seen these by couples who brings out new trend anyhow to the world of fun .
Making it simple for you guys, you can find here top 3 texting games that couples are playing today world wide.

Here you can know the Top 3 best texting games that you can play with your better half and make some memorable remark of time and make them happy with your fun game knowledge and even know some sense of secrets which you want to know in the game zone.

This is one comes under the top fun games and can be played even when you are at some get together's , trip or even on a date.This game keeps the vibes fresh and maintains the charm of your moment.
Basically you have to give your partner any 3 names, and your partner have to choose whom she/he want to kill, marry and date.
You may get the answers of some of your secret questions if you are smart enough to ask it in the game.
This can be played with family and friends as well.

2. Q n A
This is more like a secret revealer you can say. Asking questions can be turned into fun .
You can ask your partner the questions whom he/she is never supposed to tell you pal.
Adding some more flavors, applying a no boundries to questions, you can puzzle your partner and ask him/her the things you wanted to know and make sure that your partner is telling the truth!


This can add more fun to your couple game dashboard and can even make appear some glimpses of your lovely past moments.
All you have to do is putting a line of sentence in the chat (more fun if you give sentence related to the both of you) and your partner has to add another line to it.
Adding chains to chains will keep on making a story out of the sentences you are texting and will end up with a story written by you and your better half!

Mind your fingers, don't end up writing a novel! Rofl!

What are you waiting for?
Text your partner now and unleash some exciting moments with your partner and bring some closeness in your long distance loved ones.

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