The Best Internet Security Tips : Do's And Dont's Before Any Internet Access

Internet has become an important part of our lives now and who else can know this better then the quarantined people in lockdown.

Internet can help anyone to make their work easy and can also give birth to many criminal offenses which can prove to be very severe. 

At present, hackers are continuously trying to get inside the financial and personal data of the users.

During the hot shots between India and China where people are looking onto the threat of war in the nation, Chinese hackers are trying to go upon the personal data of the users in our country.

It is important to make things safe from your side before using the internet in this situation.

Here you can find the tips to safely use the internet so that you can protect your servers from any cyber infection.

Tips To Safely Use The Internet :

- Before opening any website ( say billing website or transaction website ) in your servers, make sure the the URL of the site contains 'https' in the start.
This shows that the website is connected with a secured connection.

- Make sure that your password for any site should be unique, strong and a bit difficult.
Use different passwords for different sites and make sure that your password contains a combination of upper case, lower case, numbers and special characters.

- Never use your primary e-mail for any social media sites. Make a secondary e-mail for adding on different sites.

- Never use free WiFi connections for making online shopping payments and banking transactions.

- Delete the account if it is not in use anymore.

- While using online banking service, make sure that the URL is typed manually to reach the server. Never open the server with the links you get through e-mails and messages. 

- Always keep back-up of your system files in a drive. This can help you to protect your server from any Ransomeware attack.


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